Minister’s Decision on Paewira Welcomed

Don’t Burn Waipa has welcomed the announcement that Minister for the Environment has directed that the consent application for a waste incinerator in Te Awamutu is to be heard by a Board of Inquiry.

This means that the processing of the application will now be managed by the Environmental Protection Authority rather than our local Councils. A Board of 3-5 persons will be appointed to hear all the evidence for and against the plant. Their decision will be final.

Waipa District Council will be able to suggest suitable board members and also the Waikato River Authority will appoint a member. The Board of Inquiry gives us another chance to make written submissions and speak to them at a hearing.  The Minister’s announcement referenced the widespread public interest in the proposal as a factor in her decision.

Don’t Burn Waipa thanks those who joined us on protest marches, came along to community meetings, wrote to MPs, wrote to the paper, bought signs and Tee shirts and made written submissions. Those efforts have paid off. This decision may have gone the other way without you.






DBW is a community group formed to oppose the building of a proposed rubbish burning incinerator in Te Awamutu .... More Here

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